LMT3 Module 3-2 (part two)

How to use patterns and thoughts to guess at triggers for emotions (Part 2)

So I imagine this client is in front of me and his mind gives him thoughts like "they won't like it."  So I ask myself "what would a person believe to automatically assume that something they create won't be liked by others?"  

For me this brings up beliefs such as "I'm not good enough" which often comes from having your parents not like things that you do or criticizing things you do.  A person could even have a belief like"Nothing I do is good enough" or "People don't like what I do"  as well although I haven't heard that last one before.

The thought "It represents me and it might not be good enough" gives me similar ideas.  The client could have a less extreme version of the belief "Nothing I do is good enough" such as "What I do isn't good enough."  

The thought "I'm worried they'll judge it" brings up similar ideas for me as the above.

Now let's get to triggers for fear.

For the thought "They wont' like it" I might look for fear that's triggered by rejection or not meeting expectations. This is because for some having people not like something they did would be a rejection and would be failing to meet expectations.

For the thought "It represents me and it might not be good enough" what comes to mind is that the client might fear rejection since the client says "it represents me..." so the client would be seeing other's reactions as a rejection of himself and and not just of his work.

For the last thought "I'm worried about being judged" the trigger for fear would be actually being judged.

If you didn't get the answers I did, that's OK.  It's easier for me to imagine different client's I've worked with to help me come up with answers.  So if you didn't come up with much or if you don't like your answers, that's OK.

You are learning frameworks here and when you work with clients, you'll end up generating your own examples that will make everything far more clear.

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