LMT3 Module 1-0 Introduction

Module 1-0 - Introduction

The purpose of this course is for you to learn how to use all of the Lefkoe De-Conditioning processes so you can help your clients make total transformations in a pattern AND integrate them into your work with clients in finding patterns and beliefs.

By the end of this module you will be able to ...

  1. List the three steps by which fear and emotions in general get conditioned to specific stimuli (aka how something becomes a trigger for fear)
  2. Explain the 5 parts of the social fear equation
  3. Use the LStimP to break the connection between fear and a trigger

When Morty taught the Lefkoe Emotional Processes he used to open the workshop with the story of how he gained the insight which produced these processes.  Here's what he wrote about how it happened.

In 1996 we had a client who eliminated over one hundred beliefs and, as a result, made many fundamental changes in his life. Nonetheless, he still had several strong emotions that seemed intractable, for instance, he would get extremely angry when anyone asked him to do something. He had stopped acting on the anger and he no longer acted on it, but the emotion remained almost as strong as ever.

Over a period of several months we tried assisting this client to eliminate the remaining dysfunctional emotions. The result of this work was the realization that, although some emotions are the direct result of beliefs, many are conditioned responses that appear to be unrelated to beliefs. When that is the case, the Lefkoe Belief Process is not useful because there is no belief to eliminate.

Out of our work with this client and many others over a six month period, we developed a new process that we call the Lefkoe Stimulus Process (LStimulusP). Although it is based on the same principles as the Lefkoe Belief Process for beliefs, it is specifically designed to eliminate emotions directly. It is simpler to use than the basic Lefkoe Belief Process and usually takes only five to ten minutes to completely eliminate the stimuli for such emotions as fear, anxiety, anger and guilt. The Lefkoe Sense Process, a slight variation of the Lefkoe Stimulus Process, eliminates general emotional senses we have of ourselves and life.

In this course you will learn about these processes and several others he developed over the years which will allow you and your clients to make even deeper changes.